4 days rushmore

The above product is a package combination product (total of 3 departures)
*From 2023: 5/26, 7/1, 9/1
*Visit Rushmore to let future generations know the face of the heroic president who made great achievements in sculpture
*Visit the statue and monument museum of Crazy Horse, the hero of the endless struggle of the Indians
*Appreciate the landscaping and animals of South Takota’s Natural National Parks Winn Cave and Black Hills




1 day
Location Departure from each region/Denver/Cheyenne
Detail Colorado State/Denver Airport Arrivals
After lunch, tour the Colorado Rocky Mountains National Park.
– Depending on flight time or local circumstances, it may be changed to the 4th day.
Enter Wyoming and arrive at Cheyenne, the capital.
Hotel check-in after dinner
HOTEL : RED LION or equivalent
2 Day
Location Rushmore/Badlands/Rapid City
Detail After breakfast, depart for sightseeing/drive into South Dakota
Arrive at Mount Rushmore, part of the Black Hills
The pride of American history, a petroglyph of the president’s face (aka Great Rock Face) Tour
– Petroglyphs of the faces of four U.S. presidents symbolizing the founding, growth, preservation, and development of the United States
Museums, Presidential Trails, Movies, etc… .. moved!!
Visit Badland National Park, another impressive national park
Dinner after arriving in Rapid City
Rest after check-in at the hotel
3 day
Location Rapid City / Crazy Horse / Wynn Cave / Cheyenne
Detail Crazy Horse (Tasunke Witco) was founded in 1840 to preserve Native Indian culture and history.
In order to leave the sacrificed hero in long memory, he has been creating another great work over 120 years.
Tour of the museum recorded as the greatest victory of the Indians / Via Wind Cave National Park
Mammoth Fossil Dig Site Tour in Hot Springs City
Enter Wyoming and arrive at Cheyenne, the capital.
Hotel check-in after dinner
HOTEL : RED LION or equivalent
4 day
Location Cheyenne/Denver
Detail Sightseeing departure after breakfast
After arriving in Denver, lunch/city tour including Denver State House
– City tour can be done according to the departure time of the flight. Check-in after arriving at the airport

*The above product is Kek-Keong; It is a joint product

*Included: 3 nights hotel (based on 2 people per room), professional guide & vehicle, meal, admission ticket

*Not included: Flight ticket, guide & driver tip ($20/p X 4day), each hotel tip, personal expenses, travel insurance

Bookings on this tour are closed.